Tuesday, May 28, 2013

trolley life.

I was very frustrated on Sunday--to be honest. Using a public transportation system isn't what you would consider ideal...but then I reflect on all those who do not have vehicles at all--our nation is so consumed in the fact that we need to have a car to get around. Try to walk to where you are going one time--it can really change your perspective on things.

So, as I was trying to go to a church--there were none near these trolley stops--plus the trolley was late multiple times. I prayed that God would show me what He wanted me to do here...All I wanted to do was go to church--is that so much to ask?!

I saw two dudes that were listening to some rap music at this particular stop. I prayed and asked God to give me the words to speak--I approached them and asked them if they knew of any good churches around here. One said he didn't go to church. The other said he stopped going. I asked why he stopped going and he told me there wasn't a reason...The conversation turned into me sharing John 3:16--telling them as best I could the Gospel and about Jesus (one of the guys said the only religion he's heard was from his grandma who was muslim). I told them both about Jesus and how Jesus has helped me in my life--and we all agreed on the fact that we can't control when we are to die. They wished there was some drug that could make them live forever--then that's when I shared John 3:16 and told them the way we can be assured we'll live forever. I encouraged one of them to grab a Bible and start reading John to learn more about Jesus. He said he'd think about it. Then I told them about Lecrae and started freestlying (of course giving shout outs to my God and my city--DETROIT--during the freestyle).

I know it is God who saves and not me--I am realizing more and more I am merely a vessel for His Kingdom--that it is Him who must work through me to change lives and use me. All I need to do is surrender all of me to Him so He can use me. I NEED HIM (a theme recurring for me this summer).

I'm reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan...great book. God is using this book to help me grow so far in my faith.

Oh--and please pray for strength and God would use me as I hand out tracts around San Diego. There were a bunch of dusty tracts laying around at the Chrisitian Fraternity I am staying at...so I took some and am handing them out to people as I am around town/on the trolley. Pray that I would live this out to the fullest: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

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