Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day One: Mixed Emotions

After flying in to San Diego yesterday, I became pretty sick. My family has been coming down with the stomach flu, so I am guessing I picked some of this up--and it showed as my stomach started hurting on the flight (thank goodness I didn't need to use one of those white bags!) This was a deterrent getting in the way of focusing on what this summer is about to consist of--serving out incredible Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ! 

Josh picked me up from the airport--and I am staying with his family, as they have graciously opened their house up to me this week. Waking up at 6 am here on the Pacific Coast (9am Eastern time), I realized how I need to get adjusted to the time difference. My stomach has continued to hurt throughout the day so please keep in your prayers that our Great Physician would heal this bug so that I could continue in this work I am called to do here.

We stopped by the FCA office--to meet the other intern, Chandler--who plays soccer at a Christian university and Brian--who is the Director Camp Operations and will be my direct supervisor. We discussed what my role will look like in the office--which consits of one cubicle and one office space we can call FCA's, admist a construction company who has loaned this space to us. I know as of now I will be in communication with coaches and parents in regards to the camp to help coordinate everything. Even with sharing this small office space, I am 'stoked' (a word commonly used here:the Detroit version of saying "pumped" or "sick") to see the huge things God is going to accomplish within this little space. 

My next housing arrangement looks like it's going to be at a Christian Fraternity at San Diego State University. This should be a great experience, being able to room and live with fellow Christian dudes and being a light among their peers at their university. 

I am typing this all outside in Josh's backyard on a pool chair in ninety degree weather--I have to do a before and after picture to see how dark I will get. These first couple weeks, they are going to show me around San Diego a bit and maybe even try to get me up on some waves--which should be interesting. I've tried surfing once and let's just say I got a whole record time in of 1.7 seconds standing up until I fell flat on my face.

It was weird waking up in a home with a different family, as thoughts of homesickness started to invaid me. Continue to pray that I would stay focued on the task at hand and what God is trying to show me daily here. I miss and love you all!

Tonight, Josh and I are going to our first class in Inductive Bible Study: http://www.socalsem.edu/academics/degrees/the-college-at-scs/summer-class
I'm pumped for this, as part of my internship includes developing more growth spiritually and Brian is cool with us taking time during our work period to focus on studying for this class. I cannot wait to continue to grow into the man God wants me to become.

I am so excited to see how God is going to use our labour to make these camps incredible all for HIS GLORY.

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